AnalogX AnonyMac 1.00 Download

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AnalogX AnonyMac
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  • Name:AnalogX AnonyMac
  • License:Freeware
  • Developer:AnalogX
  • Downloads:60
  • Rating:2 / 5
  • OS:Windows All
  • Size:522 KB
  • D.M.C.A. 
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AnalogX AnonyMac 1.00

AnalogX AnonyMac 1.00 Description:

The AnalogX AnonyMac application will allow you to change the MAC address of your network card. What is your MAC address? The easiest way to think about it is that it is your networking hardware's serial number - now these really should be unique, but thanks to global markets and manufacturers that don't really follow the rules too closely, they aren't (but it's pretty unlikely that you're going to just happen to have two devices that do collide).

To change your MAC, simply enter in the new one you'd like to use in the MAC address edit control, and press apply - it will then be set to whichever network connection you currently have selected.  The change does NOT take effect immediately, it requires you to either restart the network connection (open up the Network Connections, select the connection, choose 'disable', let it disable, then once that's done select it again and choose 'enable').

This should work in most cases, but if it doesn't then rebooting will pretty much always work - unless for some reason your network card doesn't support changing the NIC, but this is not very common.

The actual MAC address can be entered just about any way you like, for example, let's say you have the MAC 1,2,3,4,5,6 - this could be written any one of the following ways:
or even:

The last one with the periods is a bit special, since it's not actually in hex, it's in decimal (a bit like an IP address) - if you need that format, you're in luck, if you don't, then it doesn't matter. If you would like to remove the modified MAC address, simply erase the MAC address from the edit box, and then press 'Apply' - you will be notified that the software MAC address was removed and the connection will return to its default once it has restarted.  Alternatively you can just hit the big 'Restore original MAC' button, whichever way you prefer.

The ARP viewer gives you the ability to view the Windows ARP table, where it stores information about other computers it has connected to.  In general this is only every going to have computers on your local network, although is some rare instances others might appear.  You can right-click on a MAC and copy it to the clipboard for easy reference later on as well.

The manufacturer list is actually provided by the IEEE, and is stored in a file (in the same directory as the executable) call 'oui.txt'.  The one that is provided in the installer has all the manufacturers, but I've stripped out much of the unused information.

Related searches:

technitium mac address changer - mac address anonymize - mac address - analogx anonymac - analogx portmapper - analogx

AnalogX AnonyMac security information

You cannot download any crack or serial number for AnalogX AnonyMac on this page. Every software that you are able to download on our site is legal. There is no crack, serial number, hack or activation key for AnalogX AnonyMac present here. Our collection also doesn't contain any keygens, because keygen programs are being used in illegal ways which we do not support. All software that you can find here is freely downloadable and legal.

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All software that you can find on our servers, including AnalogX AnonyMac, is either freeware, shareware or open-source, some of the software packages are demo, trial or patch versions and if possible (public domain licence), we also host official full versions of software.

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