Loto Excel Universal Download

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Loto Excel Universal
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  • Name:Loto Excel Universal
  • License:Trial
  • Developer:Payras Software
  • Downloads:119
  • Rating:3 / 5
  • OS:Windows All
  • Size:11.4 MB
  • D.M.C.A. 
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Loto Excel Universal

Loto Excel Universal Description:

Loto Excel Universal is a new generation product applied to all the lotteries throughout the world drawing six numbers and a bonus.

It has a search engine of combinations optimized to the maximum and adapted to any type of lotto, which no other software is able to realize and which makes Loto Excel Universal a professional and powerful tool.

Loto Excel Universal is above all the guarantee to have an unequalled depth for statistics on the lotteries, this depth ensuing naturally from the calculation speed of the software absolutely without competition.

It integrates perfectly the two aspects of the lotteries with a bonus number by analyzing any type of combinations (from 2 to 6 numbers for a simple play and from 7 to 10 numbers for a multiple play). In fact, it's the only software able to give you reports on combinations of more than 6 numbers. This aspect constitutes an essential element for the players of multiple play in the determination of their choices.

Moreover, for any type of numbers, combinations and even rows inside a combination (i.e. for example 5 numbers out of 6, 4 numbers out of 6 etc...), it's possible to show almost immediately the historic of drawn and distances. All historic is flexible (i.e. that you can choose the period of analysis in time) with a summary of the statistics suitable for the studied item.

In addition to covering the big majority of the lotteries throughout the planet, Loto Excel Universal, contains 2 softwares in 1! Indeed, you will be able to take into account or not the bonus number for the calculation of the statistics.Thus, two analyses modes are possible, the Simple Mode and the Bonus Mode (who takes into account the bonus number).

Consequently, you will be able to analyze the same number or the same combination according to two different points of view, which is perfectly innovating.

Loto Excel Universal contains a very evolved algorithm, that is the only one able to finally distinguish the combinations from your lotto.It's the ASD (Advanced Sort by Distance) which will allow you to know for example what are the 6 numbers combinations (among millions!) with the bigest distance for the row 3/6.

The ASD is revolutionary because it will enable you to emit distinctions between the various combinations of the Lotto thanks to exclusive results ensuing from astronomical depth calculations.

Unique concept in the world, the ASD was created to analyse the totality of the combinations of the various lotteries, this in order to observe the heart of the game.

Statistics obtained are very interesting as they result from a research including all the possible numbers and all combinations.

Loto Excel Universal Features:

· Choice of an interval of calculation for combinations
You are not limited to the global interval of draws since the creation of your lotto. You can choose any interval of calculation with the only condition that this one must contain at least 5 draws. You have then only to recalculate all the limits for the new interval. This done, any type of combinations will be generated.
· Evolved selection of numbers
Again to perfect the generation of intelligent combinations/games, a selection with choice of priority was organized.
The green marked squares (double click) represent absolute priority.
The grey marked squares (simple click) represent secondary priority.
Absolute priority means that chosen numbers will appear in the calculated combinations in a sure way. Secondary priority is for completing absolute priority when this one does not allow to engender all the numbers for a given type of combination.
· Series mode for the combinations
Allowing the calculation of the numbers successions only (ex: 1 2 3 4, 23 24 25 etc...)
· Detailed analyses and especially very ergonomic (Web style)
· Three memory control modes for the storage of combinations to be calculated
Storage of the first prize row only, prize rows only or finally all the rows.
Naturally the calculation process will be faster if you choose to store a minimum of rows in memory and you will also be able to generate more combinations.
But to benefit of a detailed sort on all the rows, it is necessary to store all of them in memory first.
· Detailed sort can be made on all the rows other than the prize rows
Feature very interesting to sort combinations with a maximum of precision allowing to distinguish them the better way; according to the criteria of the chosen sort.
· Display of statistics on combinations
In "all the rows" mode or in "prize rows only" mode.
· Lists manipulations (buffer lists and lists construction)
By this way, your lists of calculated combinations can be saved and be reused from a session to the another (if you change the interval, there is a special function which allows to adapt the loaded list in memory to the new current interval). And you have a copy/paste very useful to place in a buffer list of your choice the wished combinations.
PLUS!! : you can even export lists in softwares like Excel, Word and many others!
· Various possibilities of printing (printing of stats on numbers, analyses)
· Possibility to save them in various formats (HTML format, WORD, EXCEL etc.)

Loto Excel Universal Requirements:

· Any PC running Windows 95 or better
· A pentium 133 Mhz is recommended as well as a good graphic board and at least 16 Mb of Ram.
· Approximately 20Mb free hard disk space

Loto Excel Universal Limitations:

· 30 days trial

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Loto Excel Universal security information

You cannot download any crack or serial number for Loto Excel Universal on this page. Every software that you are able to download on our site is legal. There is no crack, serial number, hack or activation key for Loto Excel Universal present here. Our collection also doesn't contain any keygens, because keygen programs are being used in illegal ways which we do not support. All software that you can find here is freely downloadable and legal.

Loto Excel Universal installation package is prepared to be downloaded from our fast download servers. It is checked for possible viruses and is proven to be 100% clean and safe. Various leading antiviruses have been used to test Loto Excel Universal, if it contains any viruses. No infections have been found and downloading Loto Excel Universal is completelly problem free because of that reason. Our experts on malware detection tested Loto Excel Universal with various spyware and malware detection programs, including fyxm.net custom malware and spyware detection, and absolutelly no malware or spyware was found in Loto Excel Universal.

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