Microsoft Semblio SDK 1.0 Download

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Microsoft Semblio SDK
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  • Name:Microsoft Semblio SDK
  • License:Freeware
  • Developer:Microsoft
  • Downloads:118
  • Rating:2 / 5
  • OS:Windows
  • Size:5.2 MB
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Microsoft Semblio SDK 1.0

Microsoft Semblio SDK 1.0 Description:

Using Microsoft Semblio, you can create rich, immersive multimedia learning material that’s highly interactive and fosters exploratory learning that teachers can customize, and that promotes collaboration. Because Semblio takes a platform approach to content creation - leveraging the flexibility of the Microsoft .NET Framework - it works across software, services, and learning management systems. This allows you to meet the demand for more customized solutions, while still providing you with control over how your material is adapted.

The Microsoft Semblio Software Development Kit (SDK) is built on Windows Presentation Foundation and provides a programming model and tools that facilitate the packaging and arrangement of .NET-based content such as:
- Semblio content elements, from simple buttons to highly complex activities
Templates, wizards, and other supporting tools for use with the assembly tool
- Complete interactive courses

But Semblio is not just a developer tool; it will also include an assembly tool, released with the next version of Microsoft Office. This will allow multiple content types to be combined into a single, rich, multimedia presentation, all in a single, familiar, and easy-to-use Microsoft Office-like application for educators. Also included is a player that students and educators can use to view and interact with presentations.

The Microsoft Semblio SDK was built upon .NET Framework 3.5 and provides the necessary tools for content professionals to create rich interactive learning material. The Microsoft Semblio SDK provides the API's which enable the packaging and collating exploratory learning activities like simulations, animations, labs, e-books, and more.

The Microsoft Semblio SDK targets educational organizations that employ professional developers to design, create and deliver content and curriculum, such as: commercial publishers, content developers creating specialized components such as labs and simulations for the education market, and independent software vendors interested in extending Semblio reporting and tracking services with a school’s learning management system.

Microsoft Semblio SDK 1.0 Features:

· Leverage the .NET platform.

· Because Semblio is built entirely on .NET, you get a flexible platform that enables you to build applications that work the way you want, in the programming language you prefer, across software, services, and devices.

· .NET makes it easier to build highly flexible systems through easy integration, interoperability, and application extensibility.
· With .NET and the Windows Presentation Foundation, you'll get a superior user experience across a broad range of players.

· .NET supports the programming language you prefer by providing one, multilanguage development platform.

· .NET Framework 3.5 provides an intuitive class library framework, reducing the amount of code required.

· .NET is supported by a set of tools and technologies, including Microsoft Visual Studio development system and Expression Studio design software.

· Meet the growing demand for customizable content.

· The demand for more customizable content is on the rise. Teachers are increasingly looking for more flexible, digital materials to not only reach their students, but also to engage them. Semblio puts you in control of delivering rich, dynamic content that your customers can tailor to meet their teaching and learning objectives, all from a single application that integrates easily with other educational systems.

· Offer simple end-user editing tools within a familiar, easy-to-use Microsoft Office-like application.

· Increase the value of your content by enabling educators to customize materials to their specific requirements.

· Enjoy a seamless connection with educational services and software, such as learning management systems.

· Engage today's students and foster exploratory learning with packaging and arrangement of dynamic, interactive, and rich instructional material.

· Connect multiple types of content into a single application, so customers can find, package, organize, customize, and extend content easily.

· Create new business opportunities.

· Microsoft Semblio helps to improve your existing business model by boosting productivity, increasing the value of your existing assets, and enabling you to reach a broad customer base.

· Improve efficiency during content creation by enabling nontechnical subject matter experts to participate in the content creation process.

· Reach an even broader customer base by using tools that are part of the next release of Microsoft Office.
· Increase the value of your existing assets and investments by extending the shelf life of static material into digital media with easy-to-implement conversion tools.

· Reduce the cost of going digital by creating your content once, then delivering it to all customers regardless of platform.
· Monetize your existing content with your knowledge of the Microsoft platform to create richer, superior user experiences, without decompiling and rebuilding.

Microsoft Semblio SDK 1.0 Requirements:

· Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
· Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
· Microsoft Windows Update SDK for Windows Vista

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