XMLTree/X - Download

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  • Name:XMLTree/X
  • License:Demo
  • Developer:Mabry Software, Inc
  • Downloads:41
  • Rating:3 / 5
  • OS:Windows All
  • Size:1.1 MB
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XMLTree/X -

XMLTree/X - Description:

XMLTree/X control is combining a List control with a Tree control. You can use the XMLTree/X control as an advanced List control, or as an advanced Tree control, or a combination of both at the same time. The control allows displaying a hierarchy with root nodes, and, you can use columns in the same time.

The control provides both a Columns and an Items collection. The Columns collection allows the user to add, remove or access any XMLTree/X column. The Items collection enables the user to insert, remove or access items in the XMLTree/X hierarchy. No matter what format you choose to display data using XMLTree/X, you also have access to a number of collections, properties, and methods that control the way individual cells are formatted.

The XMLTree/X control provides LoadXML and SaveXML methods, plus an XML property. The control uses two methods to display the XML contents. The XMLNodeName Property determines how the nodes of the XML Source are loaded. The first mode of loading nodes is used when the XMLNodeName property is empty. This mode displays the XML node using more than one item. In that case, the Load method will add exactly two columns: "Nodes" and "Values". The "Nodes" column contains the name of the nodes, and the "Values" column contains the value of the nodes. The second mode of loading nodes is used when the XMLNodeName Property is not empty. This mode displays the XML node using only one item. In that case the Load method looks for the XMLNodeName node in the child nodes of the root node. When the node is found, the Load method looks for all its descendents, and for each descendent node found it adds a new column to the XMLTreeXColumns collection. When a node of XMLNodeName name is found as a child of another node of the XMLNodeName name, a new item is added.

Each cell in XMLTree/X may contain a caption, radio button or check box, and image, or a button. The cell's font attributes, background, and foreground colors can be controlled as well. Each Cell has a CellSingleLine property which when False allows cells to display text using more than one row. Cells also have a CellData property that can be used to store any Variant data (Objects, longs, Boolean, anything). This value is not used by the control; it is for the convenience of the user. The end users may edit cells if the EnableCell property is True. Radio button cells can easily be grouped using a Group Identifier. The Items collection has a method named CellRadioGroup that can be used to assign any, or all, cells to a column-group. Later you can detect which cell is checked in a given column by using the Items.CheckedCell method. Any cell can have its own FontColor and BackColor. The font attributes such as Bold, Underline, StrikeOut or Underline can be changed for each cell. The user can choose the appearance of the hierarchy, whether or not to have expand buttons (+/-), add lines, and so on.

XMLTree/X's contents can be sorted by clicking in a column's caption area. A column's position can be changed at runtime by dragging the column's header to a new position. The control is able to drag and drop nodes. The columns collections of the XMLTree/X control are grouped in two categories: scrollable and locked. The control is able to lock some columns and scroll others. The count of locked columns can be set using the CountLockedColumn property. By default the control contains no locked columns. The locked area can have its own BackColor or ForeColor.

When a column is added or removed from the columns collection, the XMLTree/X control fires the AddColumn or RemoveColumn events. If you click a column, the ColumnClick event is fired. When a new item has been inserted or an item has been deleted the InsertItem or DeleteItem events are fired. If you expand or collapse an item, the BeforeExpandItem and AfterExpandItem events are fired. If the cell contains a button, and the user has pressed the button, the control fires the CellButtonClick event. Also if the user has clicked the cell's image then the CellImageClick event is fired. If the state of the radio/check cell has been changed then the CellStateChanged event is fired. If the user changes the selection, the control will fire the SelectionChanged event. The BeforeCellEdit and AfterCellEdit events are used to handle the time when the end-user is editing a cell. The XMLTree/X control fires keyboard and mouse events as well.

The XMLTree/X control supports incremental search. The end-user is able to search for an item by pressing keys. The control holds the keys in a string, and tries to find an item from the focus position that matches the search string. The control will look for the next occurrence if the user presses F3. If the end-user wants to delete the current search string he can press the Backspace key. The control displays the current search string.

The XMLTree/X control supports mouse wheel, selection items using a select box, and more.

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XMLTree/X security information

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