CutePDF Writer 2.73

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CutePDF Writer 2.73 Discussion

CutePDF Writer 2.73 - Post a new message

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Rick: Answer

It appears that you cannot download an CutePDF Writer for a Mac. However, there is a way to save your files as a .pdf without using any software like CutePDF. Here's how:
Open your file to view, then go to File --> Print. Then, click at the far left bottom of the print dialogue box where it says "PDF." This will open a drop down box where you can choose "Save as PDF." Now you have your .pdf file!

There you go to all the unanswered questions! I was a former PC user myself and have switched to Macs. If Apple continues to deliver such superb Mac products I will never go back to a PC! Hope that helps everyone.

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Hazel: need a mac version

as I note four other posts, the website says a mac version is available, but I can only seem to download a windows version. Please help.

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ahmad: file write

please give me this software

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Mike: CutePDF Writer and Mac

The only download I can find seems to be for Windows, not for Mac OS X???

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Guillermo Payet: CutePDF Writer for MAC

After many years of using it in Windows very happily, I've bought an iMac, google referred me to you , but BUT even though your web page offers your Cute pdf for Mac, I only get a Windows version. HELP

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Lelleo50: Cute PDF Mac

Hi there,

I found this site by searching for CutePDF Mac on Google and you do seem to have a Mac version but when it takes me through to the download page, it seems to be through the Windows .exe file which can't be used on a Mac. Is there a Mac download page you could direct me to please?


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